Web & Mobile Apps Development

Mobile web development—optimizing web apps for mobile devices—is necessary for modern apps. Discover the best methods and tools for the development of highly functional, intuitive, and easy-to-use mobile web apps.

Build better mobile apps, faster.

Transform every part of your business with mobile apps. Make employees more productive, customers more connected, and partners more successful.

Increasingly prevalent nature of mobile devices and applications strongly suggests that those who don’t need to support mobile clients today will more than likely need to do so in the not-too-distant future. So if you’re not already thinking about mobile app development, you should be.

Breaking down the mobile application development capabilities

Mobile UX

While many different types of mobile apps exist, when it comes to user experience, these can be divided quite easily into three categories:

We provide a complete platform for companies to develop each of these types of apps, without requiring the developer skill set that is usually needed for each one. With drag-and-drop functions and easy customization — whether a company develops its own components or customizes the out-of-the-box standard components — the Lightning UI framework, combined with Heroku’s support for open development, provides a comprehensive range of solutions for front-end development.

Back end

Of course, UX is nothing without solid work on the back end to guarantee functionality. For an app to serve the needs of businesses in the age of IoT, AI, and connected experiences, it needs to connect to relevant data in real time, and then intelligently process and use it to securely provide valuable business context to users. That is why the built-in mobile back-end services of the Salesforce Platform include secure, trusted capabilities for user management, extensibility to integrate with any data, mobile device management (MDM) support, microservices, and APIs to build scalable interfaces with all the apps in your ecosystem. Also included are most standard mobile back-end services, such as push notifications, geolocation, social media capabilities, and more.

With this level of mobile back-end support, companies can handle a great volume of user interactions, without having to worry about their applications folding under pressure.