Product Engineering

the process of designing and developing a device or system such that it be produced as an item for sale through some product

Role of a Product Engineer

The production manufacturing process relies heavily upon product engineering. Product engineering involves overseeing many aspects of the commodity including but not limited to the quality, performance, cost, usability, reliability, lifespan, and serviceability.

Without product engineering, a product would just remain as an idea or non-functioning, non-reproducible model. The role of the product engineer is to connect the development and production teams with technical expertise and processes that are critical for bringing the object to life. We ensures the entity will reliably function and can be produced in a cost-effective manner.


While there are an almost infinite number of different types of products in the world, they can all generally be classified within seven different categories. The seven product categories are environmental and service, packaging and durability, web and software, electronics, libraries and firmware, sensors and hardware, and regulatory and commercials. None of these products created themselves. In fact, complex systems of layered expertise from a variety of professionals were required to bring each product to life. Within the lifespan of a product, there are many important stages. One of the most important is product engineering.